Rumors were circulating that Facebook and Google might pull out of Hong Kong. Upon hearing this, marketers were all very anxious – as if the end of the world was imminent. To everyone’s immense relief, the two companies clarified the next day that they had no plans to withdraw operations in Hong Kong. This can be a timely reminder for marketers. Do you rely too much on Facebook, Google, and the like, putting all your eggs in one basket?
If you consider Facebook and Google, as well as Instagram, WhatsApp, Google Ads, and keyword ads, perhaps, even Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite), would you still be able to run your marketing campaigns – or business – for that matter?
Do You Own Your Facebook Page?
Among social media classes, students get to understand the difference between paid, owned, and earned media. The traditional examples of traditional media still stand. Once you use social media platforms like Facebook, you could say that such social media platforms consist of all three. Think about it carefully! Even if a brand has its own Facebook page, it is not considered owned media. If Facebook removes itself from your marketing equation, you will have nothing, because you would not be able to communicate with your target audience or existing followers. The recent buzz should serve as a stark reminder to marketers not to neglect building up their own and true digital assets.
The Neglected Marketing Tools
In my opinion, a database of email addresses is relatively easy to establish compared to other kinds of digital assets. Many think that email marketing is declining. At an international conference on affiliate marketing a year ago, many ultra-successful entrepreneurs earned 8 to 9-figure salaries (in US dollars). All agreed that email marketing was the most important aspect.
Just think about it, aside from browsing social media every morning, most people also check their emails. Emails remain very important. However, many think that emails promoting their brands will end up in the promotion or spam folders, greatly decreasing the chance of reaching customers. This requires some understanding of the design of email marketing.
Prevent Emails from Being Classified as Spam
The content and title of the email are very important. The email system makes use of the following:
- Bounce rate to measure the trustworthiness of the sender and the corresponding email address
- Click rate
- Email open rate
- Number of people who have whitelisted your email address
- Response rate
Therefore, you should never use your own email software to send out emails directly. Instead, make use of email marketing software to send emails and process email subscriptions. Never purchase any unknown software on the market to disseminate emails excessively because this would flag out your entire website URL as a source of spam. You should even remove users who do not click open your email regularly, to increase your email open rate. This is a fact that many entrepreneurs are unwilling to accept. They think that if they send more emails, the greater the opportunities they have for their business. This is one of the many misconceptions. Doing well at email marketing is one of the smallest steps in building up a brand’s digital assets. Take the necessary precautions and take control of the future of your business.